12/23/98 -- As Christmas nears, the Cavalla restoration movement is gathering momentum. | New Cavalla Crew Interview: Joe Bellinghiere |
11-24-98 -- Read the results of the Nov. 10 Cavalla Rally here. Also, newpapers articles, new pictures, new Cavalla Crew profile, and don't miss the CAVALLA PLEDGE PAGE. Can you spare $10? Help us save a real American war hero. | SUBSIM Review now has the new and improved Jane's 688(I) patch for free download. Sign the petition and keep the pressure on Jane's to release 688(I) Gold.
10-22-98 -- The fight is on! Go to the USS CAVALLA WEBSITE and enlist in the Task Force to save our sub! Big changes over there. | Review of Great Naval Battles IV is in. Check SUBSIM Review.
9-20-98 -- The FIX MY 688(I) Petition was sent to all concerned parties: Electronic Arts, Jane's, Sonalysts, and several magazines. True to form, the game publishers did not bother to respond with the notable exception of Paul Grace. Read his comments in the SUBSIM UPDATES section. | Added the CAVALLA PRESERVATION OVERVIEW, a list of suggestions and ideas for helping the memorial garner support and publicity. This document was presented to the Galveston Parks Board this summer.
9/1/98 -- Added an interview with submarine thriller novelist Michael DiMercurio. | September SUBSIM editorial deals with realism in games. | Ran across a great simulation/strategy magazine: Debrief.
8/12/98 -- The Soviet Watch Store is open. Direct from the former Soviet Union, these military watches are a direct link to the Cold War. Big and manly, each watch has a military insignia on the face. | Added the Aces of the Deep Expansion Disk download, an editorial, and several new subsim feature articles including "The History of SUBSIMS". | Cavalla news added to the Update page.
7/18/98 -- Added more patches and missions to the SUBSIM Review site along with sub scenes, a collection of downloadable wallpapers for your desktop.
7/3/98 -- Enter the SUBSIM Review Giveaway 98 Contest. Win free sub games, authentic Soviet military watches, and a Das Boot video. Contest ends August 15. | Added Cavalla WWII Reunion News. | New submarine story about the Seawolf, reprinted from PM magazine, Deep Dive: Seawolf. | Harpoon 97 subsim review is in. See how a mash to fit program fares in the '90s.
6/7/98 -- Formed a new section in SUBSIM Review: TACTICS & TIPS. Solid data on several of the the top subsims and how to excel in them. | New submarine profile: the German Type IX U-boat in Chicago, the U-505. Photos by the master, Lester Palifka.
5/29/98 -- Added a new page to the SUBSIM site; Patches, Custom Missions, and Tips (coming). You can download the Jane's 688 Realism Patch, 15 scenarios from the Silent Hunter second patrol disk, and several outstanding missions for Jane's 688(I), Silent Hunter, and Wolfpack. | Also, news about a naval sim in the works, Jane's Fleet Command.
5-21-98 -- The SUBSIM Radio Room is off to a great start. Quite a few posts in the first week. COMBATSIM.COM has included The Radio Room on their forum page, which should go a long way in bringing together those of us who enjoy subsim action. | I've added a picture and specs on the IJN Shokaku, the Japanese carrier sunk by Cavalla on the morning of 19 June, 1944. My gratitude goes to the Nihon Kaigun site for the use of the graphics. | Added a new Cavalla crewman, William E (Bill) Kemper.
5/13/98 -- BIG NEWS! -- The USS CAVALLA will be undergoing much needed repairs. She will be closed for at least one year while her rusting superstructure is replaced and the walkway shored up. To view pictures, see the Restoration 1998 page.
5/12/98 -- You asked for it, here it is: The Radio Room. A SUBSIM BBS where you can ask questions, give advice, suggest tips, and discuss submarine simulations with other cyberskippers. Keep track of the latest developments with Silent Hunter II, Akula: Red Hunter, Fighting Steel, and other subsims in the pipe. Not trying to steal you away from any other BBS's, just offering another place to gather. Check it out!
5/5/98 -- Whoo-hoo! That's it! I have just finished my associate's degree and have the summer off. Four years of hard work behind me, who knows what's ahead. | Added a reevaluation of the SUBSIM Wolf Pack. Cleaned up my pop-up menu graphic. | And made a title banner for the website SUBMARINE CENTRAL.
4/26/98 -- Updated the SUBSIM links page. Final exams this week, then liberation day! Looking for good pictures of the USS Nautilus in Groton for my next profile. Working on a major new feature, TBA. . . .
4/14/98 -- New model sub added to the model showcase, a Type VII U-boat from the hands of yours truly. | And resurrected after 27 years--Neal's SUBSIM Orginal. And you thought Silent Service II was basic! | Also, a search feature is explained in the Shipmate Message Center that will assist your search for that EM who owes you fifty bucks.
Isn't it odd how Easter and IRS day are just days apart?
3/25/98 -- The Deep Domain proudly presents a new submarine profile -- the ABRAHAM LINCOLN SSBN-602. Featuring one of the Navy's best-performing boomers, Lincoln steamed over 400,000 miles, remaining submerged for over 3000 days, and completed fifty-four deterrent patrols. Historical info and photos by Ed Joqcue.
New! SUBSIM review! Raging Thunder, a shareware program by Craig Buck. Dropped the SimHQ Naval BBS; SimHQ consolidated all their BBS's, so naturally the flight sims jockeys took it over. | Other than that, I've been up to my neck in schoolwork and getting those college applications in the mail. Five weeks to go. . . .
3/2/98 -- Revamped the Shipmate Message Center for easier browsing. Let me know what you think of the column format. Update on a new Rooskie SUBSIM. Thanks, Rick, for the autographed Erich Topp U-boat book. TORPEDO JUNCTION Books comes through again!
2/27/98 -- Rearranged the bibliography and moved most sub links to the dedicated links page to minimize the vertical size of this page. Added several photos and a drydock page to the Requin section.
2/17/98 -- One more Cavalla crew member checks in; the Shipmate Message Center is catching on; added a photo of Ron Smith during some gun action on the Seal page; added the Sub Base Houston link; congrats to Brandon for his prize-winning submarine exhibit at the School Fair!
2/6/98 -- Just in! I review the popular online SUBSIM Iron Wolves. Visit my SUBSIM Reviews section to get the details. Currently I'm evaluating two other sims--Raging Thunder and Fast Attack (for a second time). Added SIM HQ's naval BBS to the SUBSIM section also. Thanks, Crimson!
Added a slew of entries to the Shipmate Message Center.
1/25/98 -- What is to be the fate of the USS CAVALLA? Will she be the first memorial submarine to be scrapped? What can be done about it? Here I begin to explore Cavalla's future.
Great new photos from EM3c Jack Bissette. Shows Cavalla during her decommissioning cruise to Norfolk.
Joined Myron Howard's fledgling Silent Service Web Ring. Now in addition to my SubLinks, you can skip on over to the next submarine-oriented website on the ring. Way to go, Myron!
1/22/98 -- Redesigned the SUBSIM REVIEWS section; added my forecast for the future of computer submarine simulations; added SUBSIM UPDATE page; added SIM HQ NAVAL SIM BBS; added a "NOFRAMES" tag to my Cavalla Galleries sections--now they can be viewed with dino-browsers.
1/7/98 -- Added two new Cavalla Crew members, one with a good interview page. Added a few more entries to the Shipmate Message Center page. This page will serve as a message board. The entries will remain on line for 6 months, to ensure your message has a chance to be seen. You can e-mail me with your reunion news, shipmate searches, and general announcements; I'll post 'em with your e-mail address.
I'm adding a banner to Ron Martini's Submarine Book Store as a regular part of my site. So many people out there looking for info, here's the answer. Click on the banner and see what books Ron has discovered. All the newest releases are featured, along with hard-to-locate titles. I've ordered through Ron and will vouch for the low prices and very fast (four days!) service.
1/1/98 -- A new year, with new horizons. Despite the ambiguity of that statement, 1998 will see new profiles added, more details from Cavalla's war patrols, a biography of Captain Herman J. Kossler.
12/21/97 -- This particular page is getting so big that I had to break it up into different linked pages-- the Notepad file will only hold so much. Everything's still here, but now some parts are linked from the "Departments" above.
Some new stuff: more stories. A few Cavalla tales added from Capt. Zellmer. . . a new feature from Mr. Earl Fox (see above). . . and a section displaying some excellent model subs, premiering with Cris Beaumont's Russkie Typhoon. This section is called The Deep Domain Model Showcase. More sub models will be added.
12/9/97 -- The DEEP DOMAIN title page received a MAJOR face-lift. The directory contains the most practical Java applet I've ever encountered! The applet was written by Igal Sapire, director of dZiners. Visit them for Java that can make your site more practical.
12/1/97 -- A new feature, for those who enjoy interesting words. A few photos and lyrics from the Kansas band The Rainmakers. Good stuff for the keen of wit.
It's here! A new PHOTO GALLERY... this time from a member of Cavalla's crew of the late sixties as she rounded out her storied career. New faces, new scenes, and many in color! Check out Dave Parke's CAVALLA Photo Gallery.
11/17/97 -- Just added a compact profile on the USS Cobia SS-228, with a link to Joe Knapp's Cobia Site.
11/1/97 -- Details of an incident involving Cavalla SSK-244 and the Thresher have been relayed to me from LICS(SS) Keith A. Johnson, USNR Ret., (Plank owner USS Thresher). Cavalla was instrumental in assisting Thresher in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Without the assistance of Cavalla the Thresher probably would have had a meltdown in the harbor. For more on this, check the Cavalla history page Atlantic Operations.
10/25/97 -- I'm honored to announce Capt. Zeke's Photo Gallery. Similar in scope as the Harry Engler Gallery, Capt. Zellmer has loaned me a slew of Cavalla pictures and stories. Great stuff, and a lot of individual crew members are featured. Maybe someone you knew. Maybe you!
The Deep Domain was created January 29, 1997.
SUBSIM Review was created December 20, 1995.